The very first time that we browsed the selection of luxury skincare products available from Celestolite, we were stumped. With so many intriguing formulas available, which ones do you choose?!

Now, a couple of years down the line, we’ve tried almost all of them. While each one has some very distinct merits, there are a few Celestolite products that have really stood out to us, warranting repeated purchases to ensure that they’re a constant in our skincare routines. 

Wondering which products these are? Here’s a sneak peek at some of our favorite Celestolite products that we would recommend everyone try! 

The Luna Mineral Cream: A Lightweight Moisturizer For Oily/Combination Skin


If you have oily or combination skin, you’ll know all too well how difficult it can be to find a suitable moisturizer. Sure, you could skip this part of your skincare routine to save you from clogging up your pores and triggering breakouts but going without a moisturizer could make your skin even oilier in the long run.

This is why we love the Luna Mineral Cream from Celestolite. It’s the best moisturizer for oily/combination skin that we’ve ever tried! What makes it so good? Its texture is incredibly lightweight, so you won’t need to worry about blocking your pores. In fact, the addition of salicylic acid in this formula helps to ensure that pores remain clog-free. It’s packed with vitamins too, giving your skin all that it needs to thrive!

The Nova Dark Spot Corrector: A Serum That Lightens the Look of Discoloration

Nova Dark Spot Corrector

Although hyperpigmentation will, usually, fade on its own, nobody enjoys looking into the mirror to see a face that’s peppered with dark spots. If you don’t want to wait for months, or years, for the appearance of discoloration to disappear, the Nova Dark Spot Corrector from Celestolite is worth investing in. 

This serum contains a blend of ingredients that have been proven to be superstars at tackling the visibility of hyperpigmentation. From arbutin to kojic acid to ascorbic acid, this formula gets to work very quickly. How long it takes to banish the appearance of your dark spots will depend on how deep your discoloration runs. However, we could see a difference after just two weeks of use, with these results continuing to improve until the discoloration was no longer noticeable.

The Estrella Anti-Wrinkle Syringe: Instantly Smooths Away the Appearance of Wrinkles


While wrinkles may be an inevitability, nobody wants to have to deal with them. However, most of the time, there’s no magic wand that you can wave to immediately diminish the appearance of wrinkles…unless you have the Estrella Anti-Wrinkle Syringe from Celestolite on your side!

This product caught our eye straight away because of the big promises it made. It claimed to be capable of instantly smoothing away the look of wrinkles, giving the skin a crease-free finish. To our surprise, it actually delivered on these promises. Its fast-acting ingredients enable this product to get to work in seconds, leaving the skin looking noticeably firmer and tighter. Although these results may be temporary, regular use of this product will help to prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the long run too!

The Estrella Cleanser Mousse: A Powerful Yet Gentle Lather

Strella Cleansing Mouse

Many cleansers have earned a bad rep over the years. So many formulas out there contain harsh, skin-stripping ingredients that cause the complexion to suffer in the long run. This is why, once we tried the Celestolite Estrella Cleanser Mousse, we were hooked.

Saying that a product is powerful yet gentle at the same time may seem contradictory, but this is the best way to describe this formula! It’s gentle in the sense that it doesn’t overly dry out the skin. This is why the skin feels super soft after every cleanse. However, at the same time, it does an amazing job of cleansing the skin. You most likely won’t need to double cleanse after using this cleansing mousse as it’s extremely effective at removing every trace of impurities from the skin.

The Estrella Hydrating Eye Cream: Gives the Eye Area a Bright and Perky Finish

Estrella Hydrating Eye Cream

Tired eyes are an issue that so many people struggle with. Not only does this cause the eye area to take on a puffy and discolored finish but it can also exacerbate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The end result is skin that looks far older and more haggard than it should!

If you can relate, the Estrella Hydrating Eye Cream from Celestolite is a must-try. Again, we’ve tried multiple eye creams over the years but this one is, without a doubt, one of the best. Just like Celestolite’s other products, it’s packed with proven ingredients. Peptides, caffeine, vitamins, antioxidant-rich plant extracts, and more come together to revive the look of tired and dull skin. Add this moisturizer to your daily skincare routine and your eye area will soon start to look brighter and healthier than ever!

Must-Try Skincare Products From Celestolite

If you’ve been looking for a way to enhance and upgrade your skincare routine, treating yourself to a few Celestolite products will enable you to do just that. Although the products featured above may be among our favorites, every Celestolite formula out there is worth a try. This is a brand that prioritizes science-backed ingredients and highly functional formulations, meaning that results are consistently impressive each and every time!