I’ve always been a little skeptical of eye care products. Why? Because I used to believe that my regular facial skincare products were enough for the skin around my eyes too.

At least, that was until I started to notice a few skin concerns in this area that hadn’t appeared anywhere else on my face. The appearance of dark circles, puffiness, and crow’s feet were my biggest worries – clearly, my regular facial skincare products weren’t cutting it.

So, I did some digging and discovered the Orogold Eye Series. This was a couple of years ago – I’m now at the point where I’ve used all four products in this collection and couldn’t be happier with the results. What makes these products such a skincare game-changer? You’re about to find out…

The 24K Dark Circle Eye Solution


Back in the day, the 24K Dark Circle Eye Solution was the first Orogold product that I added to my skincare routine. My dark circles were really getting me down, to the point where I felt extremely self-conscious going out without heavy layers of makeup on. This eye serum, which promised to lighten the look of dark circles, gave me hope.

This product’s ingredient list was what swayed me to try it over the hundreds of other eye creams I was browsing at the time. It contains several potent antioxidants, including resveratrol, vitamin C, and vitamin A. In case you haven’t spent hours researching how to get rid of the appearance of dark circles like I have, antioxidants are what you need! 

However, where the eye area differs from the rest of the face is in the structure of the skin here. It’s much thinner, making it more sensitive and prone to damage, some of which certain skincare ingredients can cause. This is why dedicated eye care products can be better than using facial skincare products around your eyes – they’ll be formulated in a way that provides all of those potent ingredients without causing harm to the fragile skin in this area. With its blend of allantoin, collagen, and vitamin E, this eye cream more than meets the mark.

But, most importantly…how did it work? It took a few weeks for me to realize that my dark circles were less noticeable. I started to run out of product around the four-month mark and, surprisingly, I didn’t need to buy more as the appearance of dark circles wasn’t an issue any longer! Instead, I moved on to the next product in the Orogold Eye Series…

The 24K Intensive Eye Serum


Although my eye area was looking better than ever after a few months of using the 24K Dark Circle Eye Solution, I was still on the hunt for a way to soften the appearance of crow’s feet and de-puff my complexion. So, the next Orogold product that I turned to was the 24K Intensive Eye Serum.

Again, just like all Orogold products, this formula boasts an impressive roster of ingredients. A peptide blend helps to thicken and strengthen the feel of the skin while sodium hyaluronate adds volume to the complexion, immediately making fine lines look lighter. The fact that this formula contains vitamin C and licorice root extract appealed to me too. Both of these ingredients are loved for how they can diminish the appearance of discoloration, meaning that they would counter the look of any dark circles that decided to arise once again.

I loved this eye serum after my very first use and, several months down the line, this hasn’t changed. Its silky consistency sinks into the skin so quickly and it has left my eye area looking smoother, firmer, and healthier.

The 24K Intensive Eye Formula Cream

24K Intensive Eye Formula Cream

While an eye serum on its own may be enough for some, my eye area was at the stage where it needed as much help as possible. So, in addition to adding the 24K Intensive Eye Serum to my skincare routine, I decided to follow up each application with a layer of the Orogold 24K Intensive Eye Formula Cream. 

Although the two products can be used as standalones, they perfectly complement each other. The cream features some of the same ingredients as the serum, from sodium hyaluronate and peptides to an array of plant extracts. However, the difference is that the serum targets the deeper layers of the complexion while the cream works on the surface. This is exactly what you need if you’re hoping to see a change in your appearance ASAP.

In terms of texture, this cream feels light and silky. It disappears into the skin quickly and, whether you use it alone or after the eye serum, it gives the skin a much plumper finish.

The 24K 60-Second Eye Solution

60 Second Eye Solution

While I completely understand how it can take a while for new skincare products to have an effect, the fact that the Orogold 24K 60-Second Eye Solution promised results in just 60 seconds had me intrigued. It claims to help with a variety of visible skin concerns around the eyes – it sounded perfect for my needs. 

You’ll notice a superior selection of ingredients in this formula. Acetyl hexapeptide-8 joins forces with sodium hyaluronate to smooth, plump, and brighten the look of the skin. 

Does it really work in just one minute? Yes, surprisingly! I had never used a product quite like this before and almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing after my first application. My crow’s feet looked invisible and the appearance of puffiness completely disappeared. Granted, these effects aren’t permanent, but they’re ideal for when you need a quick fix for a special occasion!

Is the Orogold Eye Collection Worth Buying?

If you’re struggling with any eye area-related visible skin concerns, I would highly recommend the Orogold Eye Series. From personal experience, it can help with such a wide range of issues, restoring a youthful glow to the complexion. Whether you pick one product or, like I did, try them all, it won’t take long before Orogold becomes a must-have in your daily skincare routine.